Program Highlights

LTA Summer ‘22 Highlights


The Summer of 2022 was a huge success for ARTSiE’s Literacy through the Arts After School Programming. Over 40 incoming Kindergarten through eighth graders registered and participated in our programming.

This year, LTA had a special theme on gardening and attending a Farmer’s Market. The first weekend of our camp, several families explored various Farmers’ Markets in their communities, which you can read more about here. Additionally, our LTA kids planted vegetables, fruits, and flowers of their own while also gardening for the community.

Arts enrichment for the children ranged from comic book creation with Mr. EB, creative drama with Ms. Amy, movement with Ms. Corinne, and painting with Ms. Brianna. The middle schoolers really enjoyed painting the libraries, seen below.

Of course, literacy enrichment infused our programming. Buddy reading, where the littles and bigs read to each other, was a huge hit with the children. They also enjoyed choosing their own books to read during silent reading time. Additionally, every week the children heard theme related stories read aloud by Ms. Laura and our Teaching Artists. This summer’s core books were Fresh Picked Poetry by Michelle Schaub and Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss. Each family received a copy of both books to take home for themselves.

We culminated this incredible summer with a Picnic Performance, which families attended, bringing their own special dishes to share. The performance included a song (which included a ukulele solo from one of our middle school students), a reenactment of Horton Hears a Who, dances from our younger children, and a group dance between children and families. We are so thankful for such a great summer together!

Providing unique activities that promote literacy and artistic expression are key to ARTSiE programming.

Don’t miss out on opportunities like these for your child.


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