Program Highlights

Spring Break Camp at The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center


Spring is in full swing with ARTSiE artists and children. Each morning of the spring break camp, a featured artist introduced the children to themes of nature, identity, and community through painting, nutrition, clay creations, and nature walks. Take a look below at our featured artists and days of art and exploration!

Day 1: Clay Medallions with Piloto

Day 1 of spring break camp introduced the children and students to Piloto, an artist and restaurant owner of Zentli in Evansotn. Piloto’s enthusasiam and natural teaching ability aided the children in creating their own clay medallions with engravings of their own designs.

Day 2: Smoothie Creations with Ms. Emily & Ms. Laura

On Day 2, children were invited to create their own smoothies with fresh fruits, vegetables, flax seeds, chia seeds, and other nutritious options. Additionally, Ms. Laura read out loud to the children the book The Artivist by Nikkolas Smith, an inspiring picture book about how children can combine art and activism in their daily lives.

Day 3: Self Watering Planters with Ms. Jocelyn

To continue to instill a love for nature and gardening in children, ARTSiE children created their own self-watering planters to learn about plant care while ensuring their leafy friends stay hydrated and healthy. This hands-on learning allows children to observe how plants absorb water, furthering their understanding of the importance of consistent hydration for plant growth and taking responsibility and ownership over their plant.

Day 4: Nature Walk and Trash Art with Piloto and Ms. Jocelyn

On Day 4, ARTSiE children went on a nature walk near The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center. Drawing on Piloto’s successful artistic method of taking trash and turning it into something beautiful (see more here), children used natural items and trash to begin to create beautiful art.

Day 5: Mono Printing with Ms. Robyn

On our final day of spring break camp, Ms. Robyn guided students in mono printing, an art form that uses a sheet of glass or Perspex to transfer a unique design onto a sheet of paper. Children also had free time to color on a sunny, yellow banner to continue to tie together themes explored in the book The ARTivist.

After such a successful spring break camp, we are excited to offer after school children at the Fleetwood-Jourdain center a Spring 2024 class. Additionally, we are partnering with The Fleetwood-Jourdain center to create a community mural, which began the Saturday before spring break. To read about the kickoff event, click here!

Providing arts opportunities for children is an excellent way to facilitate individual expression and ensemble building, which helps them become prepared and responsible creative thinkers. 

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