Community Connections

A Vibrant Mural Kickoff Event


The neighborhood surrounding The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center came alive on March 23 as ARTSiE kicked off the eagerly anticipated Fleetwood-Jourdain mural project. The event was a resounding success, with families and teaching artists coming together to celebrate art, culture, and togetherness.

One of the highlights of the day was the delicious lunch provided by the local restaurant Zentli. As families gathered around tables, they were treated to a spread of traditional Mexican cuisine provided by Piloto, renowned muralist and owner of Zentli.

From there, Ms. Caitlyn read The ARTivist by Nikkolas Smith, an inspiring picture book about how children can combine art and activism in their daily lives. With the book as inspiration, children and family members began to write on the wall things that are dividing their communities. Some of the words including discrimination, affordable housing, gun violence, and more.

Piloto then led family members and children to begin painting over the words with creativity and hope.

As the paint was drying, Piloto introduced a new art project: creating your own personal clay medallions.

During the spring break camp at The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, young artists continued to work on designs for the mural. To see more about that, click here!

As we look ahead to the completion of the Fleetwood-Jourdain mural, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the memories it will create and the stories it will tell as it brings the community together.

Bridging and strengthening cultures and communities is a pillar to ARTSiE’s mission. Thanks to donors like The Evanston Cultural Fund, ARTSiE is able to bring high quality art enrichment and literacy to neighborhoods across the Chicago-land area.

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