Program Highlights

Summer 2023 Highlights


For the first time, ARTSiE partnered with Y.O.U. (Youth & Opportunity United) in both Evanston and Skokie, Illinois school districts to provide literacy and arts enrichment classes after summer school. Take a look below at the three classes we provided.

Caribbean Carnival

This summer, students explored the vibrancy of Caribbean culture using the book Malaika’s Costume by Nadia L. Hohn as a guide. The children learned different cultural songs from Caribbean nations, including the Puerto Rican folk song and movements to Don Omar's Danza Kuduro and the traditional songs and dances performed during Caribbean Carnival. The children even created their own Caribbean-inspired peacock masks to wear during their final musical performance. It was a joyous summer!

Comedy & Improv

Focusing on the three pillars of comedy (improvisation, scripted stand up, and sketch) students in this ARTSiE class developed their own comedic voice, culminating in one final group performance.

Look at what our teaching artist, Francesca Patrón, had to say:

“I was blown away by the creativity of the students. They did not have much comedic experience prior to the class, but by the end of the course, each student was able to confidently stand up and improvise a scene or monologue without any fear or hesitation. One student told me that it felt like they weren't learning anything because they were having so much fun. It was so inspiring to see these kids grow in their sense of identity and to learn to tap into their brilliantly creative minds on the spot. I was so proud!”

Needless to say, this course provided joy, humor, and a shared sense of confidence in each child's ability to command an audience.

Mono Printing with Gelli Plates

Children learned how to experiment with Gelli Plate monotypes, stenciling, and mark-making under the guidance of ARTSiE teaching artist, Ms. Robyn. Working in layers on paper, the children created dynamic rhythms, patterns, and designs throughout the summer, culminating in a final art project that allowed students to learn how to both refine and complete their artwork. Take a look at some pictures from class:

We are so thankful for such a great summer together! Providing unique activities that promote literacy and artistic expression are key to ARTSiE programming.

Don’t miss out on opportunities like these for your child.


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