Mural Field Trip Parent Reflection
As an organization working to bring high quality arts and education programming to children who need it most, we are moved by this heartfelt response from one of the parents in our after school programs.
This is what ARTSiE is all about!
“The other day running errands, Frank and I spotted a beautiful mural. He was so excited and thought about Rafael Lopez and how he was actually real! We took a picture so he could share it with the class! We’ve been talking about the “Maybe Something Beautiful” story you’ve been reading the children in class!
Frank thought this might be a Rafael Lopez’ mural, and we talked about how someone can change and inspire people all over the world to make changes in our community; and how learning and reading about this story can make him view the world in different perspectives, get inspired, and start something in his own community.
Thank you for all that you do for our children.”
-Louisiana Alicia Valenzuela Lara
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