Program Highlights

Hanover Park Resource Fair 2023 Performance


On Saturday, April 29, ARTSiE Kids from Greenbrook and Waterbury Schools performed for their community at the Hanover Park Resource Fair. The children showcased their talents with choreography inspired by Alvin Ailey and Martha Graham as well as a staged reading of Change Sings led by Ms. Toay and Ms. Velez.

Kudos to the parents for every child wearing their costume and every child being on time! We missed the children who weren't there, but all who were there got up onstage and participated with excitement. Performing together brought strength to each child as they sang and danced.

Providing performance opportunities for children is an excellent way to teach them responsibility, preparedness, and memorization skills within a collaborative and artistic atmosphere. Continue to make this impact possible by supporting ARTSiE below.


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