Community Engagement

Evanston Grows Collaboration


As ARTSiE continues to work alongside District 65 and the city of Evanston, we are now also collaborating with Evanston Grows, a collective impact organization dedicated to bringing together resources in the Evanston community to reduce food insecurity through increasing access to locally-grown produce and building community connections.

Evanston Grows aligns perfectly with ARTSiE’s mission, so we are working together to create a spring break camp and family kick off event at The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center. The camp will center around gardening, community, and art.

To learn more about Evanston Grows, click here, and to read more about our collaboration with The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center, click here.

We are looking forward to continuing to connect with children and families in Evanston!


Check back soon to see more highlights from ARTSiE’s involvement with other organizations!

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