Program Highlights

Change Sings at The Fleetwood-Jourdain Center


In a continuation of our ongoing collaboration with The Fleetwood-Joudain Center and The City of Evanston, ARTSiE just finished its Winter 2024 session of Change Sings with after school children at the Fleetwood-Joudain center. Led by new teaching artists Ms. Adelina and Mr. Ash, children were led through Amanda Gorman’s lyric poem on the importance of community, caring for others and the environment, and uplifting young minds. The class culminated in a staged spoken word performance of the poem that parents and caregivers were able to see. For more information on ARTSiE’s collaboration with The Fleetwood-Joudain Center click here and stay tuned for more!

Providing arts opportunities for children is an excellent way to facilitate individual expression and ensemble building, which helps them become prepared and responsible creative thinkers. 

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