Community Engagement

Alvin Ailey Field Trip


On March 5, 2022, a group of LTA children, parents, and staff took a trip to downtown Chicago to see the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater perform at the Auditorium Theatre. This session of LTA, we’ve been focusing on Alvin Ailey and modern dancing, so this was a perfect culminating trip to end the session on a high note.

We even had the opportunity to meet Sarah Daley, an Ailey dancer, after the performance outside of the theater. Sarah autographed our programs and answered some of our questions.

She said the most rewarding part about performing with Alvin Ailey is when she has moments to talk to audience members and hear what they liked about the show. She said meeting with our LTA children reminded her of being seven years old when she got to experience an Alvin Ailey show for the first time and knew in that instant that it was what she wanted to do.

Our conversation with her was truly inspirational!

We are so grateful for opportunities like this where we can bring quality and inspiring art into our LTA families’ lives! 

Join us in our upcoming programming for more opportunities such as these.


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