Program Highlights

ARTSiE’s Adult Readers’ Theater


ARTSiE’s inaugural Adult Readers’ Theater rehearsal was a great turn out of parents and children enjoying an evening together for dinner and adult dramatized reading and children's games led by Ms. Reynolds and Ms. Laura. What is Adult Readers’ Theater? See below!

Some of the participants' afterwards said, 

I was surprised I had a good time.

I liked meeting new people.

I enjoyed impersonating the characters in the script.

Until next time, thanks to all of you for supporting this effort and especially to teachers, Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Velez, and Ms. Flores for making it all flow beautifully. 

A key component of ARTSiE is increasing parent & family engagement. Readers’ Theater is a beautiful example of this! Continue to make this impact possible by supporting ARTSiE below.


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